The eventual goal will be to allow visitors to the website to navigate their own journeys through our history - travelling from person to person, place to place being able to view pictures, documents and other items relating to them and facilitate research. Our first...
Current and Planned Research Projects
During 2020 we have had little opportunity to bring our volunteers and researchers together to work on new projects due to the pandemic, so we are looking forward to welcoming everyone back on board with some exciting ideas for articles and research projects during 2021. Even if we still have to socially distance for a while, we can hopefully interest you in working remotely. We can organise team meetings on Zoom until we can all meet again and put research groups together coordinated by our creative team.
Below is a list of what we are currently working on and planning for 2021 – please let us know if you are interested in participating in or contributing to anything you see or have a topic of your own that you would like to add to the list.
Digitisation Project
Where do you Think You Are?
We are considering starting the project by interrogating the archive to trace the various homes occupied by the Wallis family, the family of the legendary headmaster of Bishopsteignton School. Several of his homes still stand, including the Community Centre where he...